30 Swimming Tips for Beginners

30 Swimming Tips for Beginners

How To Swim

Learning, how to swim might feel scary and impossible at first, especially when you don't know where and how to start. But don't let that fear hold you back from swimming. There are many tips and training to ease into swimming and build your confidence in the pool or open water. But, once you start swimming and getting in the water, you'll wonder why you were ever so worried about swimming in the first place.

Baby Swimming Tips

Baby swimming can be a wonderful experience and beneficial to promoting physical development and confidence of your babies in water, and it creates quality bonding. This is a healthy habit to grow your baby & toddlers strong and healthy. 

Consult Doctor

Consult your baby doctor to ensure your baby is ready for swimming activity, especially if you have any health concerns about your child. Sometime pediatricians have some concerns related to the children's and it's best baby swimming advice.

Choose the Right Pool

Find a pool that specially meant for toddlers and is warm (around 85-90°F or 29-32°C) and have clean water that does not harm children skin. Look for a pool that offers baby swim classes and special care for them.

Stay Close & Support

Always stay close and keep your baby within your arm's reach. Your presence is important for their safety and help building confidence. Use your hands to support in float your baby’s head and body. Let them help to float on their back or stomach while you hold them.

Swim Diapers

Use of special made swim diapers for toddlers designed to contain accidents and prevent pool pollution. These swim diapers also prevent your child from infections that are caused by swimming pool water etc.

Safety Gears

Wearing swimming safety gears are part of beginner swimming tips, kids life vest are essential for toddlers during swimming in the pool either they are with parent or with some swimming coach. There are other products with the same purpose as of life vest in the market named Baby Float Arm Sleeves that are more attractive for the baby & toddlers.

Water Games

Organize water games to keep them motivated and interest in swimming activity. Gently splash water, blow bubbles, and let them play with waterproof and floating toys.

Don't Swim Alone

Keep in mind that always go with a swimming partner who is highly skilled or with a swimming coach. If not then choose a pool with a lifeguard is usually the best place to swim for beginners and it's the best swimming tip for beginners and adults.

Avoid Swimming in Bad Weather

Swimming in a light rain shower should be fine, but if you see or hear a heavy storm coming, take your babies get out of the pool. This rule depends on how well you can swim in any situation. Don't swim in water that's too cold.

Basic Swimming Tips for Beginners


The first swimming tip in the swimming training is floating on the water. When you're in the water (pool), hold on to something side of the pool or a dock, and let your legs float out behind you - try to let them free so they lift easily. But, some people make some mistakes, like sinking to the bottom, while their upper body floats on the water.

Don't worry, and try again and again the same process. Practice doing this process (on your stomach and your back), until you succeed in letting your half body float on the water. You need to keep in mind these beginner swimming tips.

Stay in a slight depth so that you can stand up easily if the float thing is not working out. It might feel uncomfortable and weird to have water around your ears, but your nose and mouth should be in the air so you can inhale & exhale easily. Make a "T" shape by putting your arms at the right angle, it will give extra stability. Take a deep breath and make your lungs full of air then float and it will float your body for sure, if you are floating for the first time.

After practicing floating on your back, you can practice kicking its faster freestyle swimming tip. It will give proof of how far a kick can push you, practice it using a swimming training gear kickboard. This practice will increase your focus on kicking technique and make you tension-free in keeping your head above the water.

Flutter Kick

Keep your legs straight point your toes out like a ballet dancer, and make small kicks with the alternate legs. You should feel the most divergence in your ankles.

Whip Kick

Keep your legs held tightly from hips to knees together, and from your knees to your ankles. Bend your knees and make your shins at a 90-degree angle, then move them in a circular motion, and in the meantime keep your thighs together. After doing half circles with each leg, bring your shins back together at the bottom of the circle, lift them up, and repeat this motion again and again.

Tread Water

Treading water is a freestyle swimming tip that can help you catch your breath and keep your head up even without actual swimming. Use your both hands to keep your balance by "Sculling Motion" - keep your forearms flat on the surface of the water and move them like using butter knives on a piece of toast. Move your one arm in a clockwise circulation, and the other arm in an anticlockwise circulation. These swimming tips for beginner adults and kids also.

Eggbeater kick

This kick is commonly used to tread water and stay straight in a vertical position in water with your head and shoulders above. Wider your legs rather than hip-width and bend your knees. Then "pedal" your legs like you are riding on a bike. This is the easy swimming tips for beginners, used when your feet can't touch the ground or bottom of the pool. You just need to do some practice to get used to it.

Crawl in Swimming

Crawls are great swimming tips and tricks to learn as a beginner, and they'll move you pretty quickly in the water. 

Here's how to do them:

Backstroke First

Float straight on your back on water, and do flutter kicks with your legs. Do a crawling motion with your arms, keep entering forward in water by lifting one arm straight into the air and keeping it straight as it re-enters the water. Once it's underwater, Keep your fingers straight and hands then and alternate arms as you swim.

Front Stroke

This crawl type is also known as a freestyle or American crawl. Floating on your stomach, do repitation of flutter kicks with your legs, and Crawl forward with use your arms. Bring one arm out of the water to reach forward, then bring it back down using your cupped hand and "push" the water behind you. Repeat this exercise with alternate arms. Turn your head to one side under the arm to breathe and keep currently crawling. Take a breath once under the same arm in your every two strokes.

Don't be Panic:

Always remember as faster freestyle swimming tips, you should fall back and float on your back if you can't manage yourself in depth or you can't move your limbs. If you can't swim and start breathing quickly or don't flail around; you should lie back as flat as you can, and let the water carry you while you regain your strength to swim. A swimming tip for kids & adults for floating on your back is to regain and hold your breath to fill your lungs with air. Another beginner swimming tip is to stick your stomach out.

Rhythmic Breathing

Establishing a rhythmic breathing that synchronizes with your strokes is an essential and easy swimming tips for beginners. Depending on your comfort while competitive swimming training, the swimmer can be breathing every two, three, or more strokes.

Exhale Underwater

Don't make the common mistake that other swimming beginners make by holding your breath underwater. The best triathlon swimming tip, you should exhale through your nose or mouth when your face is underwater and then be ready to inhale quickly when your head turns to the side.

Head Movement

Rotate your head minimally When breathing in the freestyle stroke, just enough to catch a breath. Avoid lifting your head motion too much, because it can disrupt your motion of swimming and slow you down.

Swimming Gears

When you practice and can tackle the water fully, then go and buy some earplugs and goggles. Avoiding the distraction of the water in your eyes and ears can slow you down in competitive swimming or lap training. The swimming goggles allow you to see underwater.

Advance Swimming Techniques

When you feel more comfortable in the water during swimming, Try these advanced strokes that will increase your speed with less energy after completing the beginner swimming training tips and tricks.

Dolphin Stroke

To learn the dolphin stroke, keep body flat on your stomach in the water and head straight (align with body) and your face looking down. Keep your legs and feet tight together, pointing your toes straight and towards the end of the pool. Begin this practice by pressing your chest down into the water and then releasing it. At the time when you release your chest, press your hips & legs down and then release them. When your hips come back up then press your chest down again, continue this motion with a rhythm that allows to do this practice in a constant speed until you do this perfectly.

Butterfly Stroke

The butterfly stroke is one of the difficult swimming techniques, that requires perfect movement, strength, and a constant rhythm. It’s also known as the second fastest stroke when performed expertly. 

The legs movement is same as Dolphin Stroke, like your legs and feets tight together and point your toes straight towards the end of the pool. To practice the arm motion, extend your arms above your head, at shoulder-width apart. Pull your hands towards your body in a half circle motion and keep your elbows higher than hands and palms facing out.

Then, push your palms backward through the water with your sides & hips for momentum. To regain strength, your hands and thumbs along should reach your thighs to ensure proper form. Finally, wipe both arms out of the water simultaneously and return to the starting position in the water.


To start swimming from the poolside, first, hold onto the wall with both hands behind and your feet against the wall. Take a deep breath and push off the wall go down your face into water, and release from the wall, stretching your arms straight in front of you. Bring your both knees together under your body and turn your feet outwards. Keep your chin above the water to inhale & exhale. Keep your knees close and repeat this kicking motion smooth by your feet out, around, and back together. Enhance the power of your kicks gradually to increase the speed. As you move smoothly, push softly with your arms in front of you, keeping your fingers together and pulling the water in a circular motion.


To perform the sidestroke you can read freestyle swimming tips, lie on your side body straight in the water and face above the water looking forward. Extend your top arm forward and rest your bottom arm along your thigh. Pull your top arm back towards your chest in a sweeping motion while your bottom arm sculls for stability. Bend your knees, then extend your top leg forward and bottom leg backward, snapping them together in a scissor kick. As your top arm pulls back, prepare for the scissor kick. After kicking, glide through the water in a streamlined position. Breathe naturally, turning your head slightly upward if needed. Practice these coordinated movements to swim the sidestroke smoothly and efficiently.

Swimming Tips for River & Open Water

Understand the body of water and flow before open water swimming. Check for pollution, currents, safe entry/exit points if anything goes wrong, and be safe from underwater hazards. Assess the conditions, including water and air temperature, water flow speed and depth of the river. 

Avoid swimming in rivers after 3,5 days of a storm or during high flow. Never swim alone in river or open water always have a support. Swim upstream from safe and know the next safe exits if swimming downstream. Know your body condition of cold water tolerance in winter and swim within your limits. Have an emergency plan before the conditions got unsafe, don’t swim.

Dryland Training for Swimmers

Dryland pieces of training will increase your muscles group work while you are swimming. Non-water training can importantly enhance your endurance and overall swimming performance in the water. Water-based training is crucial for technique improvements and muscle strength training. 

Here are some exercises:

Weightlifting, Jogging or Running, and Resistance Training. In addition, agility can be enhanced through ladder or cone drills, which improve quickness and response times.


How can I teach myself to swim better?

You need to be involved in a combination of practice to teach yourself to swim better. First of all, you need where you are lacking in swimming, and what weaknesses you need to cover. Approach a swimming training coach, who will tell you about the swimming tips and tricks.

Here are some tips to improve your swimming:

  1. Practice Regularly
  2. Focus on Technique
  3. Take Lessons
  4. Use Equipment
  5. Watch Videos
  6. Set Goals
  7. Stay Positive
  8. Stay Safe

How to swim easily?

Swimming easily requires different swimming tips like technique, consistency, and relaxation after the swimming training practices. In the start, you need to focus on maintaining a relaxed body posture (shoulders and neck), to minimize the muscle tension and resistance in the water. Establish a rhythm in strokes and kicks to maintain momentum without wasting unnecessary strength.

What is the best swimming technique for beginners?

For beginners, the first step is to learn floating, then freestyle stroke, also known as front crawl swimming. Crawling is often considered the best swimming technique to start with. This stroke is famous and important among beginner swimmers because it is easy to learn and provides forward movement through the water.

Is it safe for beginners to swim at the pool without a buddy?

No, the beginner swimmer must have informed the pool lifeguard or have the company of someone who is well in swimming and can save him from drowning. Wearing a life jacket is compulsory for beginners.

What are some common mistakes beginners make while swimming?

Beginner swimmers often make several common mistakes while swimming in the pool or open water. That can decrease their progress and efficiency in the water. 

Some of these mistakes are:

  1. Holding Their Breath
  2. Incorrect Body Position
  3. Overexertion
  4. Improper Arm and Leg Movements
  5. Lack of Consistency
  6. Fear of Water
  7. Ignoring Safety Precautions


How can I overcome my fear of swimming in deep water?

Overcoming a fear of swimming in deep water is a consistent practice that requires patience. Building your confidence in simplistic areas where you can touch the bottom surface will build your confidence. Don't panic, practice inhaling & exhale during the swimming training so that, you can easily manage breathing in any depth of water.

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